CLUB MARRIOTTAdvantages Business PracticesA profound understanding of local cultures, customs and business practices. Sales ManagementUtilizing the company's substantial experience both in planning and leading. Effective OperatingEffective operating systems and service procedures to keep standards high. Highly FfficientHighly efficient timetable and cash flow management throughout the development. Utilizing The Company’sUtilizing the company's vast experience in staff structures, organization dynamics,. Akeen UnderstandingAkeen understanding of customers, their needs and requirements. Innovative BusinessInnovative Business ideas and creative concepts. Conducting IndependentConducting independent feasibility studies with integrity. Gathering SoundGathering sound specialized knowledge and far-reaching associations within the leisure. International AssociationsAffiliations with top international associations. Operational CostsAn in-depth understanding of development and operational costs. Design ConsultantsMotivating the best out of planners, architects and design consultants.